He is the most qualified Ayurvedic Consultant in New Zealand. In Mumbai, India he is well-known consultant physician and has been in successful practice for 10 years. He is now settled in Auckland, New Zealand. He is already established and well known in NZ and offering and helping people with all sorts of medical or health problems successfully. He has put his vast knowledge to offer solutions to modern health problems effectively. He asserts that he will continue to perceive Ayurveda throughout his life.
Mr Suresh Rama is one of the pioneers to cultivate Ayurveda in New Zealand. He is a qualified Pharmacist and practicing for past 20 yrs. He tries to help clients not only with prescribed conventional medicines but also with Ayurvedic medicines. He looks after the management of Samarth Ayurvedic Centre as well as Marketing, Dispatch & Delivery, Stocks etc. of Ayurvedic medicines.
Mrs Hansa Rama is also one of the pioneers of ayurveda in New Zealand along with her husband Mr Suresh Rama. She has completed her certification in Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant and she is also a qualified pharmacist. She looks after the department of procedures for women at Samarth Ayurvedic Centre.
Mrs Tilottama Karnik is a qualified pathologist. She has studied ayurveda out of her deep interest. She skillfully uses this knowledge for centre's Ayurvedic Healthy Cooking. She conducts classes for Ayurvedic Healthy Cooking.